• Story

    Cabin Cloud at Camber is the culmination of a refurbishment project of a 40-year-old house – with a mission to show that it’s not only chocolate box period properties that can be quirky and cool

    Built in the 1980s, around the time much of Camber was constructed, I had initially written off Cloud Cabin as definitely not for me when I was looking for a property.

    But with very few places to choose from so close to the beach in the village – and none of them period – I decided to take off my blinkers and look at the possibilities that the blank slate of a modern house gave me for creating an exciting contemporary space.

    Instead of looking west to the medieval streets of Rye I looked east to Dungeness where there are dozens of interesting examples of unpromising builds from the latter half of the 20th century being turned into contemporary gems - that didn’t try and hide their recent origins

  • The view from the dune!

  • So I went back to look at the house again with fresh eyes and could suddenly see all the fantastic possibilities. Six months and lots of hard work later Cloud Cabin was born - and I am now a convert to the modern house (while still loving a period gem!)

    The floors aren’t wonky. There are no beams, low ceilings, draughts or small, awkward, dusty spaces. Instead there are large (double glazed) windows to let the incredible light in but keep the winter storms firmly out, spacious living areas and clean lines with a flowing, contemporary and airy feel plus three private parking spaces. All this two minute’s walk from the incredible dunes and beach